Dear Web Designer Computer Engineer Friends.
I have brought you something which will definitely help you to build stylish Web Pages quickly.
To design stylish webpages we use CSS i.e Cascading Style Sheets. Here are some quick view of tags and their syntax used in CSS.To learn more about CSS
background-color Background color
background-image Background image
background-repeat repeat, no-repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y
background-position (x y), top, center, bottom, left, right
Class String preceded by a period
ID String preceded by a hash mark
div Formats structure or block of text
span Inline formatting
color Foreground color
cursor Appearance of the cursor
display block; inline; list-item; none
overflow (How content overflowing its box is handled)
visible, hidden, scroll, auto
visibility visible, hidden
clear (Any floating elements around the element?)
both, left, right, none
float (Floats to a specified side)
left, right, none
left ( The left position of an element)
auto, length values (pt, in, cm, px)
top (The top position of an element)
auto, length values (pt, in, cm, px)
position static, relative, absolute
z-index ( Element above or below overlapping elements? )
auto, integer (higher numbers on top)